Starshine, Tadpoles and a Frog

The weather was perfect today. All our SS friends are around, too. It’s a perfect timing to go to the park and have some fun!


We decided to take a walk by the river to check out some tadpoles. At first, we only saw a few tadpoles. But, when we walked a little farther, we found their hiding spots! We all got excited. Some of us caught a lot, some of us did not. Some of us still feel a little scared of the little creatures, but that did not stop us from trying to catch them. When we finally got a little comfortable, we caught a lot of the tadpoles.


As a bonus, we got a little frog, too! He was really jumpy, it took us a little while to finally catch him!

Here is a short video of our adventure with the tadpoles! We hope you liked it! Enjoy watching!


学童「放課後スクール i きっず」と英語スクール「E-KIDS」を開校しています。

  • 児童発達支援施設キッズプラスいろいろ
  • 企業主導型保育園「すまいるきっず」